Blogging as a habit

According to stats from my old blog, I started blogging in 2006. Although that was my first year blogging, it wasn’t a major blogging year for me, having blogged only 16 times, or on average a little more than once a month.

engagement image, from my first blog in 2006

engagement image, from my first blog in 2006

In 2007, I was a lot better, having tried for a long time to blog every day, finally running out of topics and letting blogging becoming less of a habit. Though I did blog after that year, I never really gained as much momentum, even as I saw what a wonderful tool blogging was for other photographers including Becker, Jessica Claire, Jasmine Star, Scarlett Lillian, Susan Stripling and other photographers whom I greatly admired (both in terms of their work and their blogging proficiency).

With this, my first WordPress Blog, I’m changing how I’m blogging literally. On this, my day two, I’ve found a theme I can use for a bit (though I do have plans to update to a different one soon), found it much easier to add images (ironically one of the big reasons I stopped using Blogger was I was having issues loading pictures in, a big issue when you’re trying to have a photo blog), and an easier way to have links added so they open into new pages. I’m still a WordPress newbie, yet it’s been an A grade service all the way.

Probably, I’ve just not been blogging (even though I’ve had some great things and events to blog and even took photos last year specifically for blogging), as it became a habit for me not to.  I know a lot about habits having started a great one this year, endurance running. I workout in some form 6 days a week, Monday through Friday at Community Bootcamp (generally two days of weight excercises, three of cardio) and run a minimum of 6 miles each Saturday, resting only on Sunday. If I can wake up early each day to do that, I can blog more, a lot more, so I will.

I’ll leave you with some running photos of me for now, and to remind myself that good habits can be made and followed on a near daily basis.

a collage of shots from my first half marathon, Santa Cruz, CA

a collage of shots from my first half marathon, Santa Cruz, CA

running the Golden Gate Bridge at my first marathon

running the Golden Gate Bridge at my first marathon

1 Comment

Filed under personal

One response to “Blogging as a habit

  1. Well here’s hoping you keep the blogging going. I tend to do it when I have things on my heart; it’s essentially journaling online. When I was younger, I used to write in my journal everyday. Now, it’s more sporadic and even though I tell myself I’ll do better, I don’t. *lol*

    So I hope you keep it going and definitely, keep Not So Still Life running. You’re an excellent photographer Danielle and I support you whenever I can!

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