Joined Together: Diana and Chih


With my new blog working great, here is my catch up wedding blog post of Diana and Chih’s wedding.

Chih’s sister, Meghan, was rehearsing her part of the candle lighting when I walked in.  If you look closely you can see her enjoying her last stick of gum before the ceremony.

I had the opportunity to be a third shooter on this wedding. The primary shooter, Terrence Bishop, had found me in his friend’s list on Facebook as a person local to San Jose (Terrence is based in the LA area). It was fun shooting with Terrence and Nichanh Nicole.

Ceremony: Mountain View Buddhist Temple

Reception: ABC Seafood

Chih looks solemnly on as his dad gets his boutonniere.


Diana wears a radiant smile as she is escorted down the aisle by her father.



Diana wore a second dress for the reception. She and Chih danced to “Endless Love”,  twirling around the dance floor like professional dance instructors and ending with a big finish.



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