Search Engine Results, Part One

fire three

I decided to do a search on my name to see what would pop up. While usually I use Google for this, I used Yahoo as my search engine instead. I found some images from two papers I have worked at that I was pleased to still see online. I will share images from that search today, and tomorrow.

These images were from an assignment for The Santa Cruz Sentinel to capture Nocturnal Sunshine, a group who would be going to Burning Man in 2006.

The dancers shown are Kelly Picker (above) and Keith Barefoot (below). Working as a photojournalist really helped me adapt to different light situations with different restrictions.

For obvious reasons, flash and movement could prove too distractful to these dancers. I was permitted to move somewhat, but for the most part had to stand very still.

This shot of Keith was my favorite for the series, and the one I thought would be chosen for the cover.

fire one

Instead, they chose this one, which also worked very well.

fire dance

The finished product is below.

guide cover

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