Happy Halloween 2009!

costume full

I love Halloween. I can’t remember a lot of costumes I wore as a child, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, and Barbie come to mind, since I was a tomboy growing up, such girly costumes are pretty funny choices for me. One costume I always wanted to find and never did was Firestar, one of Spiderman’s Amazing Friends (the other being Iceman) from an animated show I liked. If I were to wear a superhero costume now it would probably be Dark Phoenix, though I’m not sure how many people would get the full concept.

I remember one year when I was older my mom had me hand out treats instead, and we were giving out money (dimes maybe) instead of candy. One group sent a large gorilla to scare me, and even though I knew it was a parent, the children were screaming in delight that “Daddy got money, too,” I think I made their night.

Last year I had an elaborate zombie costume. I did my own makeup and for daytime had it white as above, for night time I used makeup that was white in regular light and glowed in the dark. When I went near a black light parts of my costume that were white also took on their own eerie glow.

costume glow

It always impresses me when someone wears a costume that’s such a good disguise that you can’t even recognize them. I’d met Larry a few times, yet still took a few minutes to recognize him in this amazing Ozzy Ozbourne costume:

ozzy no glow

This year my costume is sort of a two-in one theme, a skeleton / undead ghoul figure wearing an escaped prisoner outfit complete with dangling handcuffs and handcuff earrings. My friend Colleen matched me by dressing up as a police officer. (The next three photos all taken via iPhone).

I wore the consume on two days, with a few variations on Halloween)  My skeleton gloves (one which disappeared before Halloween, I still have no idea where it went), and a ball in chain (the anklet part is still around my ankle) I kept with me on the Friday beforehand.  As for the latter, it broke literally five minutes after I put it on, and though I tried to fix it, and my friend Colleen put a strong jump ring on it to try to fix it, it still kept coming off. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be part of my costume.

Two quick detail shots from my friend and fellow photographer, Amoreena‘s, party (also via the iPhone):

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