Brad Kava and Tony Lindsay

(This is my second entry for this week that is auto posted. While this is posting to my blog I’m running the marathon at Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida).

I had the opportunity to photograph my friend, Brad Kava, a former journalist at The San Jose Mercury News for over 20 years, who now teaches at DeAnza College and is a Dean in the Journalism Program at Cabrillo College, on his two hour talk radio show at 1080 AM KSCO in Santa Cruz.

Anyone who knows Brad has seen him with his adorable Standard Poodle Riley. A lot of my favorite shots include Riley actively trying to participate in the action.

Though Riley also was less into the show at other times (the sound operator joked that Brad’s show puts dogs to sleep).

I took more pictures of Brad than I thought I would. One of the reasons was he was just so animated. It’s funny he told me he thought having me take photos might make him self aware, yet after a few minutes of me taking photos he was really into his callers, too bad they couldn’t see his gestures.

One of the main reasons I wanted to photograph the show that day was Brad’s guest, Tony Lindsay who is the lead singer for Santana (as well as having a solo career). Tony was a great sport about being photographed, he didn’t even know I was coming and walks into the studio happy to be on the air and captured in photos.

Brad and Tony had great chemisty in studio. Their show flowed as they talked about Tony’s adventures as a singer from flying to shows, meeting great people, and once literally singing the menu of a restaurant onstage.

This shot was obviously posed, and I only had one quick opportunity to take it before the prop was shaken off.

Brad and Tony both invited me to Tony’s next show, which was at The Crow’s Nest in Santa Cruz. Brad was brought up as a special guest on harp, and now he has a photo of himself playing next to Tom Politzer.

Tony is a great vocalist, perhaps doing my favorite cover ever of “September”. I had a great time in studio and at the show.

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