Category Archives: events


November Fiesta – Networking Meeting in Mountain View

card exchange

Last night two networking groups, The South Bay Masters of Networking and the Businessman’s Happy Hour, came together at Taqueria La Bamba in Mountain View to enjoy Mexican food, celebrate Thanksgiving early by giving thanks for things in our personal and business lives, and of course, network.

We came in to some yummy food, to start the eating our host, Tommy Amaral, even passed a few plates around.


Tommy brings food

Everyone was so happy to be there, it was filled with smiles throughout the evening.

smiles at bar

Our invitation said we would “Pear Up” and share what we were grateful for. Going in, I thought this was a typo and was meant to be Pair Up. Turns out, we had to choose pears, white or red, and then find someone who chose the opposite color. In our teams we then had to share at least one thing we were grateful for, and share it with the group. The next few photos are of people sharing what the group what their partner was grateful for.

posed hug


presenting 2

Some people mentioned being grateful for continuing things in their lives and businesses and some brought up new things. I am grateful this year for my new blog and the motivation to keep it going strong. Additionally, I’m grateful to have a job where I can be with people on the happiest days of their lives. Though this photo was taken during our ordinary event in comparison, I was still able to photograph some great moments of fun and pure emotion.

laughter at bar

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Heart of Chaos Art Exhibit

black and white mike for web

Years ago my friend Michael Denning and I began using new and different media in order to express ourselves as artists. I picked up a camera, a film M7, and he picked up some magazines, scissors, glue and canvas. Years later, we’ve both expanded how we are are using our artwork. Michael has become one of the leaders of the Art of Chaos Group, and even teaches art to children in juvenille hall through the Catalyst for Youth program. On Friday I had the pleasure of seeing work from him and other artists at the Third Annual Art of Chaos show held at First Street Billiards in San Jose, a very dark location.

With the above photo, I was trying to capture the grit and toughness Michael discovers in his art, even when I was shooting it I was thinking in black and white. I then in Photoshop post processing used both desaturation and intentional noise introduction to artistically modify him, to me it came out well and reminiscent of a photo from a printing press.

Michael’s first art piece was on display. I had been there for some of the many hours in which he cut out words and phrases for this large autobiographical piece, much of it focusing on his recovery from drugs and alcohol. In a few short months he will be celebrating his sixth year of sobriety.

first piece

When I first heard about this event, I wondered how well art, including pieces being created on scene by the artists, would work out at the same time as people playing pool. It turns out it worked incredibly well, often with the players stopping to notice the artwork during their games.


L1008161 b and w

pool players and art three. jpg

One of the best parts of the show was getting to see the artists making artwork at the time.

another artist orange

Different artists had different ways of dealing with the darkness of the rooms. The artist above brought his own spotlights. The next artist used a hat with a light on it, similar to those worn by miners and sometimes also by early morning runners.

another artist blue and red

Some more of the amazing work produced by these young artists:

art on wall 1

art on wall 4

Michael’s work tends to be social in nature. When he created the first piece I remember hanging out with him and others as he would often bounce a few ideas for words off his friends. He was doing that again on his mini pieces, the magnets (which often were inspiring messages for the artists in all of us).

mike with friend collaborating

One final closeup of his hands, words and finished pieces. I’m really inspired by the words he is using here, “Imagine living the life you’ve always dreamed of.”

words from mikejpg

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Sandi’s Birthday Party

I recently had the pleasure of photographing Sandi’s 70th birthday party. It’s always a great compliment to be chosen by a fellow vendor for their event, in this case by Sandi’s son, DJ and photographer, Jordan River. Sandi celebrated her big day at the Club House of the gated community, Rinconada Hills.


Sandi 1

Her cake had photos of the Eiffel Tower on it to commemorate the city where she met her husband. I think the cake was supposed to say “Growing Younger” though glowing does describe both Sandi and the cake.

The party was effected by a power outrage caused by a rain storm hitting power lines. Even so, the caterer made and served food, without any electricity at the site, that was a feast for the eyes and taste buds.

Sandi 3

Sandi 4

Sandi 5

Sandi 6

Sandi shares her birth month with her grandson Joshua, so she shared her cake with him as well.

Joshua was obviously very excited and surprised to be sharing in the cake and the moment. He wasn’t too emotional to help blow out the candles, though:

Sandi 2

Sandi 7

Before everyone went home, Sandi asked for one group photo. Here she is surrounded by family and friends, Jordan is on the left with Joshua.

group shot

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